Who we are.


Poetic Discipline was born to reckon with sedentarism and the disconnects in fitness culture. The Ido Portal Method and Traditional Chinese Medicine have an underlying influence in our practice. The intention of PD is to bring together and help people find meaning in their lives through the efforts of movement practice.

So how do we get people to reintegrate into our bodies?

The biggest challenge people face is that they are disconnected from anything that gives life a deep sense of meaning. What is it that we need to reconnect too? How do we become humans again? We have forgotten we are bodies. We have become disconnected from this.

Movement is how we take the embodiment and embed it into the environment. We need to be bodies, but bodies that are connected to the world around us as well as to self. The people and nature and trees and brick and soil and cement. We have been tied to these things for the entirety of our evolution (maybe minus the man-made materials). And when we reconnect with this, it moves us in a certain way.

Our culture is so surface oriented that we experience our body not as something we are in, instead—we care how we are perceived by others. PD reestablishes how we perceive ourselves. We don’t want your beauty to become more important than your experience of being in your own body.

Want to get a better understanding of what all this means?—Join us for a class here.

Movement Facilitator + Founder

Chris King

Hi, I’m Chris King.

I am interested in interconnectedness and I perceive it everywhere. I feel like this is the root of all things. In movement, architecture and building, medicine and healing, in the arts and education. Movement, Chinese Medicine and the Arts are subjects that to me, will teach you all about life itself. I have made my life's purpose about gaining wisdom and knowledge through studying ancient healing practices and self-discovery and research.

In 2009, I made a pivot from the world of Finance to personal training in New York City. The conventional approach to most things has never resonated with me, which lead me on a journey of seeking teachers of movement. I mentored with Michol Dalcourt of The Institute of Motion in San Diego, CA; I have studied with Tom Weksler of Movement Archery and Zen Acrobatics; and my on-going study of movement, the Ido Portal Method, where I train and research movement 3-4 hours a day under the direction of Johnny Sapinoso.

Additionally, in 2013 I began studying Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at Pacific College of Health and Science in NYC (formerly Pacific College of Oriental Medicine), completing the Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS) in Massage Therapy program in 2016 and a Masters of Science in Acupuncture (MSAc) in Spring 2019. I am currently enrolled in the Doctorate of Acupuncture (DOAC) program, expected completion Winter 2022.

Peekskill, NY is my home.